eco-INSTITUT-Label If you click on the PDF opposite, you will see the eco-INSTITUT sample label. Each label awarded looks like this - the number, however, differs as described on the page on the validity of the eco-INSTITUT label ( You can look up each number awarded here in our database: the result will show you which number can be assigned to which product and which company. If no result is displayed, the number is usually not assigned or is not yet displayed on our homepage, as it may have been assigned only recently.
This sample label shown may only be used by eco-INSTITUT and in publications approved by eco-INSTITUT (e.g. label comparisons in print media). Manufacturers are not permitted to use the sample label; in such a case, it may be illegal advertising. Please let us know if you find the sample label displayed and are unsure whether it has been approved by us.
Massivholzmöbel-Programm in Fichte | Buche | Birke | Kirsche | Eiche und Robinie sowie Sperrhölzer in Buche | Kirsche | Eiche und Pappel* Regal || *(gilt nur für geölte Produkte)