A quality label is only a reliable one when being trustworthy.
Only when a product fulfills the criteria of eco-INSTITUT-Label it can be marked with the quality label of eco-INSTITUT.
Each certificate is awarded with an individual certificate ID and listed with its validity date in the database “Certified products“: so it is transparent for every one whether a product is realy tested and certified by eco-INSTITUT.
However it happens eco-INSTITUT-Label is misused.
Whenever this happens consumers and companies are misled: that is why eco-INSTITUT takes actions against the illegal use of its label.
Overview misused certificates
Here you will find an overview of products
- which are NOT certified with the eco-INSTITUT-Label but are advertised with the label,
- or which are NO LONGER certified with the eco-INSTITUT-Label (they were once certified at an earlier date), but are (still) being promoted with the label.
Regularly expired certificates can be found with their certification number in our database “Certified products”.
The last update of this overview took place on 6th January 2025.
The US online retailer Avocado Green Mattress advertises with the eco-INSTITUT labels of the companies LIEN’A and Signature Foam. In addition, eco-INSTITUT test criteria that are no longer valid are stored. However, Avocado Green Mattress is not a contractual partner of the eco-INSTITUT. The eco-INSTITUT has not tested the mattresses from Avocado Green Mattress.
Note: The Lien’a company has a valid certificate and the Signature Foam product is currently being tested.
The US company Birch by Helix advertises a product with a logo of the eco-INSTITUT-Label, which refers to an expired certificate from Talalay Global. The company also displays the eco-INSTITUT sample label as a logo under “Certifications”. The eco-INSTITUT-Label never provides the sample logo of the eco-INSTITUT-Label for a product certification. Birch by Helix is not a contractual partner of eco-INSTITUT, nor has eco-INSTITUT ever tested Birch by Helix products.
The company Talalay Global has a valid certificate.
Online dealer Brentwood Home promotes a latex being tested and certified by eco-INSTITUT. According to a statement by the dealer a LIEN’A latex is used. Brentwood Home though is not a contract partner of eco-INSTITUT. eco-INSTITUT did not test mattresses by Brentwood Home.
The company bluvale from Singapore advertises that various products have been awarded the eco-INSTITUT-Label. For this purpose, it uses on the one hand the old eco-INSTITUT company logo, and on the other hand expired and edited certificates with an certificate number made unrecognisable. The eco-INSTITUT has not tested or awarded any products of the bluvale company.
The Spanish mattress retailer Colchonieriaschumberto advertises online, in its catalogue and in its showroom that one of its mattresses has been awarded the eco-INSTITUT-Label. However, the certificate belongs to a product from the Belgian company Novaya, Colchonieriaschumberto is neither a contractual partner of eco-INSTITUT nor has eco-INSTITUT tested mattresses from Colchonieriaschumberto.
The US retailer Diamond W advertises various products with a fake eco-INSTITUT-Label. The eco-INSTITUT has neither tested nor certified Diamond W products. (see also in this list: Company Trinity Hardwood)
The US online retailer Eco Terra promotes its products Hybid Latex Mattress, Eco Terra Mattress, pillows and toppers with an eco-INSTITUT-Label with the number 0410 – 12826 – 001, which was issued for a foam from the company Richard Pieris Natural Foams Ltd. However, Eco Terra is neither a contractual partner of eco-INSTITUT nor has eco-INSTITUT tested or labelled Eco Terra products.
Note: The certificate 0410 – 12826 -001 shown belongs to a latex foam from Richard Pieris Natural Foams Ltd. which is valid until autumn 2024.
The French company Everad, which produces industrial adhesives, displays the old (Umweltinstitut) logo of the eco-INSTITUT on its website and also advertises with this as its lettering. However, Everad is not a contractual partner of the eco-INSTITUT and no products of this company have been tested by the eco-INSTITUT.
Goodream sells mattresses and pillows through the online retailer Amazon. The latter advertises with a LIEN’A certificate. Products of the company Goodream Bedding LLC Storefront have not been tested by the eco-INSTITUT and have not been awarded a certificate by the eco-INSTITUT.
Note: The company LIEN’A has a valid certificate.
The Spanish company Haiku Futon advertises with the eco-INSTITUT-Label of the company Arpico and refers to this certificate. However, Haiku Futon is not a contractual partner of the eco-INSTITUT. eco-INSTITUT has not tested products of the company Haiku Futon.
Note: The company Arpico has a valid certificate of the eco-INSTITUT-Label.
Swedish company Hälsa advertises with the logo of the eco-INSTITUT label with ID number 0808-47110-001 . This is the logo of the sample eco-INSTITUT-Label, the number 0808-47110-001 is not assigned to any product. eco-INSTITUT has not tested any Hälsa products or awarded them the eco-INSTITUT-Label.
The French company Havéa nature advertises many of its products with the eco-INSTITUT-Label, some parts link to an already expired eco-INSTITUT-Label of the company LIEN A Co. Ltd. on our website, some parts show a fake eco-INSTITUT-Label, others link to an already expired certificate of the company Latex Systems Public Company Limited. Furthermore, the old company logo of the eco-INSTITUT is shown. Havéa, however, is not a contractual partner of the eco-INSTITUT nor has the eco-INSTITUT tested products of this company.
Note: The companies Latex Systems Public Company Limited and LIEN A Co. Ltd. have valid certificates.
The US company Harvest Green Mattress advertises on its website that it has been certified by eco-INSTITUT. For this purpose, the (old) logo of the eco-INSTITUT is displayed and reference is made to a certificate of the Oekotex test seal. This shows a product of the company Latex Green (PVT). The eco-INSTITUT has not tested any products of the company Harvest Green Mattress and has not awarded its certificate.
Note: The company Latex Green (PVT) Ltd. has a valid certificate from the eco-INSTITUT. You can check whether the product also bears the Oekotex seal on the page www.oeko-tex.com.
The US company Latex for less advertises on its website that its mattress 2-Sided Natural Latex Mattress by Latex for less has been tested by eco-INSTITUT and has been awarded the eco-INSTITUT-Label. Products of the company Latex for less have not been tested by the eco-INSTITUT and have not been awarded the eco-INSTITUT-Label.
The Australian company Latex Mattress Australia states on its website that the latex it uses has been tested and certified by the ‘eco Umweltinstitut’. The eco-INSTITUT has neither tested latex for Latex Mattress Australia nor is this company an authorised dealer of the eco-INSTITUT. (And furthermore, eco-INSTITUT has not been called eco Umweltinstitut for a long time)
The Indian online retailer Livpure advertises with an eco-INSTITUT-Label certificate logo that a product they have in their range is labelled. The logo does not have a certificate number – all eco-INSTITUT-Label certificates issued by eco-INSTITUT are labelled with a unique, individual certificate number, which can be searched for in our database (https://www.eco-institut-label.de/de/produkte/).
The company Livpure is neither a contractual partner of eco-INSTITUT nor has eco-INSTITUT tested or labelled products from its range.
The Greek online retailer Mediflex advertises with an eco-INSTITUT-Label certificate logo that a product they sell bear The logo does not have a certificate number – all eco-INSTITUT-Label certificates issued by eco-INSTITUT have a unique individual certificate number, these can be searched for in our database (https://www.eco-institut-label.de/en/produkte/).
The company Mediflex is neither a contractual partner of the eco-INSTITUT nor has the eco-INSTITUT tested or labelled products from its range.
The French online mattress shop Mon Matelas Naturel advertises the Kipli mattress. The company Kipli in turn refers to the eco-INSTITUT-Label. Products of the company Mon Matelas Naturel or Kipli have not been tested by eco-INSTITUT and have not been awarded the eco-INSTITUT certificate.
The Indian online retailer advertises with the logo of the eco-INSTITUT-Label with the certification number 1009-12643-001 and links to the certification document with the certification number 1119-34212-001. The certification number 1009-12643-001 is not assigned to any product. The certification number 1119-34212-001 belongs to a product of the company Signature Foam Pvt. Ltd. My morning OWL is not a contractual partner of eco-INSTITUT, the eco-INSTITUT has not tested or awarded any products of My morning OWL.
Note: The company Signature Foam has a valid certificate.
The Canadian retailer National Mattress Outlet Plus+ advertises that various mattresses of the company Galaxy Bedding, represented in its assortment, have been awarded the eco-INSTITUT-Label. For this purpose, the logo of the eco-INSTITUT label with an unrecognizable ID number is shown on its website. Neither National Mattress Outlet Plus+ is a contractual partner of the eco-INSTITUT nor Galaxy Bedding. The eco-INSTITUT has neither tested mattresses from National Mattress Outlet Plus+ nor mattresses from Galaxy Bedding.
Organique Sleep advertises with the (old) logo of eco-INSTITUT on its website. According to the specifications, the supplier is certified with the quality seal of the eco-INSTITUT. However, there is no information about who the supplier is.
eco-INSTITUT has not tested any mattresses from Organique Sleep.
The Canadian company Plushbeds advertises with the eco-INSTITUT-Label of the company Richard Pieris. However, Plushbeds is not a contractual partner of the eco-INSTITUT. The eco-INSTITUT has neither tested nor labelled products of the company Plushbeds.
Note: The company Richard Pieris has a valid certificate of the eco-INSTITUT-Label.
The company Purolatex promotes a logo of the eco-INSTITUT-Label without a product certificate ID and claims to have its products tested by eco-INSTITUT. eco-INSTITUT has not tested or labelled any product of the Purolatex company.
The Australian company promotes its Latex Mattress product with the eco-INSTITUT-Label. For this purpose, the company reproduces the logo of the eco-INSTITUT-Label of the company LIEN A and also refers to an already expired certificate of the company Lalan Eco Latex Pvt Ltd. Quokka Beds, however, is not a contractual partner of the eco-INSTITUT, nor has the eco-INSTITUT ever tested products of the company Quokka Beds.
The companies LIEN A and Lalan Eco Latex Pvt Ltd are contractual partners of the eco-INSTITUT and have valid certificates.
Wellness Network GmbH promotes an invalid certificate. The certificate’s validity of Wellness Network’s latex core of Shakti mat expired in October 2013.
The Japanese online retailer for medical mattresses Shikokuseni advertises on its website with a eco-INSTITUT-Label certificate from the company Getha. However, Shikokuseni is neither a contractual partner of eco-INSTITUT nor does its website indicate that it sells mattresses from Getha.
The US retailer Trinity Hardwood is advertising various of its mattresses with a fake eco-INSTITUT-‘Label. The eco-INSTITUT has never tested or certified mattresses from Trinity Hardwood.
The US company Turmerry advertises various of its products with an eco-INSTITUT-Label certification, which has never been awarded. Some of these products are also sold via the internet platform Amazon, where they are also sold with the certificate number 0410 – 12826 – 001. Turmerry is neither a contractual partner of eco-INSTITUT nor has eco-INSTITUT tested or labelled Turmerry products.
The certificate shown by Turmerry with the number 0921 – 12256 – 001 belongs to a latex foam of the company Latex Green Pvt. Ltd, the certificate 0410 – 12826 -001 belongs to a latex foam of the company Richard Pieris Natural Foams Ltd. Both are currently valid until autumn 2024 and 2025 respectively.
The online retailer Vuanem advertises that the mattress it sells, Gummi Legend 7 Zonen, has been awarded the eco-INSTITUT-Label. However, Vuanem is neither a contractual partner of the eco-INSTITUT nor has the eco-INSTITUT tested the mattress in question.
The Australian retailer Zenna Latex Mattresses advertises with the (no longer valid) certification of the latex foam of the company Latexco. However, The Zenna Mattresses is not a contractual partner and signatory of the eco-INSTITUT-Label. The advertising is not permitted.
Note: The company Latexco has a valid certificate.
Der australische Futon-Händler Zentai Living wirbt damit, dass seine Latex-Module mit dem eco-INSTITUT-Label ausgezeichnet sind. Dazu verwendet Zentai Living verwendet eine nicht mehr gültige Zertifikats-Nummer der Firma Richard Pieris Natural Foams Ltd., außerdem stellt Zentai Living ein altes Firmenlogo des eco-INSTITUTs auf seiner Webseite dar.
Hinweis: Die Firma Richard Pieris verfügt über ein gültiges Zertifikat des eco-INSTITUT-Labels.