
In general a certification with eco-INSTITUT-Label is valid for 2 years.

For recertification after that a new laboratory test must be performed.

However, if production procedure or composition of the labelled product changes during validity time of a certification a laboratory test must take place earlier.

After expiration of the first year of its regular validity period a conformity test takes place in which the manufacturers have to verify that production procedure and composition of the respective products have not changed and so continue to comply with the criteria of eco-INSTITUT-Label.

This way only the high claims and quality of eco-INSTITUT-Label can be maintained and garanteed.

The respective validity dates of a certification with eco-INSTITUT-Label can be learned from the respective certificate of a product or its entry in the database of certified products.

Products with expired validity being in recertification process are listed as “pending” in the database.

Products of the following manufacturers bear the eco-INSTITUT-Label


Sample eco-INSTITUT-Label

Here you find the eco-INSTITUT-Label sample. Each label awarded looks like this – the number, however, differs as described on this page. You can look up each number awarded in our “Certified products” database: the result will show you which number was assigned to which product and which company. If no result is displayed, the number is usually not assigned or is not yet shown on our homepage, as it may have been assigned only recently.

The sample label shown above may only be used by eco-INSTITUT and in publications approved by eco-INSTITUT (e.g. label comparisons in print media). Manufacturers are not permitted to use the sample label; in such a case, it may be illegal advertising. Please let us know if you find the sample label displayed and are unsure whether it has been approved by us.

You have question on the validity or are unsure for how long a certain product's certification is valid? We are happy to help.

Search database "Certified products“

Search our database for certification number, product name or manufacturer name.

Testing criteria and all documents on the certification you find here.


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