What does the label cover and where is it recognised?
The main feature of the eco-INSTITUT label criteria is the detailed list of emission requirements for critical substance groups and individual substances. This is based, among other things, on the current list of NIK values from the AgBB, but also includes the German Indoor Guide Values RW I.
Emission tests are usually carried out after 3 and 28 days in accordance with EN 16516. Due to the strict eco-INSTITUT label criteria, emission requirements for products are covered or recognised in other national and international evaluation programmes, such as …
AgBB scheme Germany
(Committee for Health-related Evaluation of Building Products)
State Building Codes/MVV TB Germany
Requirements for structural installations regarding health protection (ABG)
Belgian VOC regulation
French VOC regulation and French CMR regulation
Class A of French VOC-Verordnung.
BREEAM & HQM International
(except “paints and varnishes”): Hea 02 Indoor air quality.
BVB Schweden
(Byggvarube dömningen): VOC emissions
Danish Indoor Climate Labelling
DGNB International
(ENV1.2 – Local environmental impact; 2018): Emission evidence from rows 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 20, 23, 47a, 48 – New buildings and interior criteria matrix (Appendix 1) and rows 1 and 2 – Interior criteria matrix (Appendix 2)
eco-Bau Schweiz
(solvent criterion)
EGGbi Europäische Gesellschaft für gesundes Bauen und Innenraumhygiene
(quote: ” […] most comprehensive and completely transparent catalogue of criteria of all quality labels […]”
GOLS Global Organic Latex Standard
Italienisches Green Public Procurement
(I Criteri ambientali minimi – CAM).
LEED v4.1. Option 2 und LEED v4 for projects outside the U.S.; EQ credit low-emitting materials: VOC emissions requirements (formaledhyde emissions after 28 days < 10 µg).
German Quality label Sustainable Building QNG (Qualitätssiegel Nachhaltiges Gebäude)
3.1.3 Prevention of pollutants in building materials, version 1.3: various items and requirements (e.g. VOC emissions, AgBB, MVV TB, equivalent quality labels, also ingredient requirements)
WELL International
(International WELL Building Institute)