Often we get asked similar questions. Here you find the answers to those.
Often we get asked similar questions. Here you find the answers to those.
That means you can congratulate yourself because the bought product is low-emission and low-pollutant: so it very health agreeable and may be used without concerns in indoor spaces.
Products complying with eco-INSTITUT-Label criteria fulfill the strictest requirements on pollutants and emissions going far beyong legal standards.
Usually a certificate is valid for 2 years. The exact end date of its validity you can see in the entry of the product in our Database Certified Products or the certificate of a product.
Expired certificates you find in our database in the section of Expired Certificates.
If you are interested in the test report of one the products certified by us please contact the respective manufacturer of the product. For legal reasons eco-INSTITUT does not publish test results, test reports or evaluations.
The testing criteria of eco-INSTITUT-Label you find here.
Products not fullfilling the requirement are not certified.
eco-INSTITUT does not recommend any products as eco-INSTITUT is an independent testing laboratory operating as joint body between involved manufacturers and health-oriented consumers.
So we can only garantee every mattress bearing our label complies with the strictest requirements on pollutants and emissions going far beyond legal standards as the mattress fulfills the criteria of eco-INSTITUT-Label.
In this sense every mattress certified by us can be recommended.
Not necessarily. When a product is not certified with eco-INSTITUT-Label it can have different causes like:
Construction and furnishings products may emit a big number of unwanted substances harming one’s health into indoor air. Energy saving and airthight ways of buildings may aggrevate this so caused indoor air pollution.
By emissions testing it is measured what – and how much of it – emits into the indoor air and whether these substances and their concentrations harm one’s health.
A quality label is only effective and trustworthy when it is reliable and transparent. Therefore all certified products are liste in the Database Certified Products: all products bearing the eco-INSTITUT-Label are listed there with their certificate, their individual certification ID and validity period.
Usually a certificate is valid for two years.
When the validity of a certificate has expired but the product is in recertification process the box “pending” is active.
When a product has not been recertified or its certificate is not valid anymore but the product is not in recertification process the product is marked as “expired”.
There a various reasons why a product was not recertified, amongst others:
eco-INSTITUT-Label is awarded following the test criteria of eco-INSTITUT. These are based on highest national and international requirements on emissions and pollutants of indoor products. Additionally claims on odour are stipulated and indoor air guide values are considered.
The criteria are regularly updated by the experts of eco-INSTITUT following the latest state of art, science, research, legal developments and demands of manufacturers, consumers, architects and building project planners.
The sample label presented here may only be used by eco-INSTITUT and in publications approved by eco-INSTITUT (e.g. label comparisons in print media). Manufacturers are not permitted to use the sample label; in such a case, it may be illegal advertising. Please let us know if you find the sample label displayed and are unsure whether it has been approved by us.