Since the publication of the criteria version 7.4. of September 2nd, 2024 by Byggvarubedömningen (BVB Sweden), eco-INSTITUT-Label is valid as direct proof for the BVB quality category „recommended“ as proof of compliance with the emission requirements within the Swedish evaluation system for sustainable and pollutant-free construction. This means that manufacturers can refer directly to the eco-INSTITUT-Label certification without the need for further verification.
Byggvarubedömningen provides a platform for evaluating construction products based on criteria such as chemical content and environmental impact over the entire life cycle. The ratings are based on a traffic light system that categorises products as “Recommended” (green), “Accepted“ (yellow) and „To be avoided“ (red). This system also enables consumers without in-depth specialist knowledge to make informed decisions about sustainable construction products.
“We are delighted about the further recognition in the Swedish BVB rating system. The extensive and and strict requirements of the eco-INSTITUT-Label certification already covered the Swedish requirements, but the official designation makes communication much easier for companies with eco-INSTITUT-Labelled products.”
say Daniel Tigges, managing director of eco-INSTITUT.
About Byggvarubedömningen
Byggvarubedömningen is a Swedish organisation specialising in the evaluation of construction products in terms of their environmental and health performance. The aim of the organisation is to promote sustainable and pollutant-free building and thus to contribute to the creation of a healthier envoíronment for the present and future generations.
In addition to examining the chemical content and the environmental impact over the enture life cycle Byggvarubedömningen is committed to sustainable supply chains in the building industry and has also developed a so-called logbook tool that ensures the traceability of installed products which is particularly important for identifying substances that may appear harmless now but could prove harmful in the future.
Further infos on Byggvarubedömningen
Further infos on the BVB Sweden programm you find here