eco-INSTITUT edited and updated the testing criteria of eco-INSTITUT-Label. The criteria are effective from now on.
Since the last update AgBB scheme 2018 and new limit values have been published making these adjustments necessary.
Only via this the growing demands on low-pollutant and low-emission construction and furnishing products and the high quality of eco-INSTITUT-Label can be guaranteed.
Overview of the changes:
Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
As the emissions requirements of eco-INSTITUT-Label consider the respective valid indoor air guiding values of Federal Environment Agency
the substance groups of xylenes was added with a limit of 100 μg / m³, of2-phenoxyethanol with a limit of 30 μg / m³ and phenol with a limit of 20 μg / m³.
Wooden flooring, laminate and panels
The criteria for wooen flooring, laminate and panels were renamed in Flooring and panels based on renewable or mineral materials. In the future, only flooring whose content of renewable or mineral raw materials amounts to at least 50% will be certified.
At downloads you find all new criteria as PDF documents.
If you have further questions or need more infos on the update of eco-INSTITUT-Label criteria you may contact M.Sc. Environmental Science Vanessa Laumann at