Natural Latex Foam Rubber Mattress* *This certification is valid only for the foam. Any other materials that might be used in combination with the foam (e.g. cover materials, adhesives) are excluded from the certification.
Pure Green Natural Latex Foam* Pure Green Latex Mattress Topper* Latex Foam || *This certification is valid only for the foam. Any other materials that might be used in combination with the foam (e.g. cover materials, adhesives) are excluded from the certification.
Natural Talalay Latex Foam* Latex Foam || *This certification is valid only for the foam. Any other materials that might be used in combination with foam (e.g. cover materials, adhesives) are excluded from the certification.
Skandor-Parkett* Fertigparkett || *gilt nicht für geräucherte Produkte | *gilt nicht für extra matt lackierte Produkte (Oberfläche OF 1407; OF 1408; OF 1409; OF 1410; OF 1416; OF 1417)
0309 — 11806 — 007
ter Hürne Fertigparkett* Fertigparkett || *gilt nicht für geräucherte Produkte | *gilt nicht für extra matt lackierte Produkte (Oberfläche OF 1407; OF 1408; OF 1409; OF 1410; OF 1416; OF 1417)
0309 — 11806 — 004
terHürne Laminatboden terHürne dureco DPL-Fußboden nach EN 13329; 6 bis 14 mm
Theptex mattress core* Latex | *This certification is valid only for the foam Theptex latex mattress core. Any other materials that might be used in combination with Theptex mattress core (e.g. adhesives, cover materials) are excluded from the certification.